"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"
A STRONG Work Ethic is key to learning - so lets get STRONG together.
The Student's Teacher
​Not only am I a certified teacher, but I am also currently a student at York University in my second year of my M.Ed. (Masters in Education). My research interests include, you guessed it . . . student experience, and specifically student's experience within higher education. At the moment I have been thinking about cultural centers on campus and the importance of student clubs. My curiosity stems from the questions that ask; (a) what are the skills that ethno cultural clubs offer to immigrant, non-immigrant and international students that make use of them? In general, what do student’s learn within these ethno cultural clubs that differs from the classroom experience? And (b) how do ethno cultural clubs on campus provide immigrant, non-immigrant and international students with resources for success, namely in terms of: adjustment, engagement, integration and persistence in higher education? I am interested in exploring the role of student clubs in facilitating student success in higher education, and specifically the choice that some immigrant, non-immigrant, and international students make in affiliating with these ethno cultural clubs on the York University campus. Personally, I think that student clubs on campus and in general are a great way to learn.
I have attached a PDF entitled, ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Cultural Centers on Campus: Immigrant, Non-Immigrant and International Student Clubs, and the Importance of Social Supports,​​​​​​​​​​​A Review of the Literature​​​​​​. Check it out if any of the above has peaked your interest!

As always, any feedback you might have is both appreciated and welcome!
